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The light in life and art
Letter from the editor

The light in life and art

The light in life and art
Reveal Here

An art of digital, human and drones. Tanween’s Big Moment, 2021. Courtesy Ithra. Photograph by Ahmad Al-Thani

By Rym Tina Al-Ghazal
December 15th, 2021
And let the stars whisper in your presence and say: This, here, is the Moon…
Nizar Qabbani, the ‘poet of love’ (1923-1998)

From the light of the sun, the moon, the stars to the light of a lamp and the even the lightness we feel in our hearts, light is a theme with many positive connotations and links. In art, light is one of the foundation of creation, where thanks to the light of a candle and the play of shadows, 
many timeless masterpieces were born. “Shadow is diminution of light. Darkness is absence of light,” noted the Renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) who researched shadows, and his artworks captured the different intensities of light and darkness.

From candles to lamps to X-rays to natural light, all forms of light have manifested themselves in the art world, with the latest trend of projections along structures like Ithra’s building, turning into canvases of art and creation. In this special issue of Ithraeyat, we pay homage to Light (Al-Noor), and reflect over its many forms in art and life, and how we often take it for granted how light is life, as gifted by the sun, and we finally take notice light, in its absence.

‘Play of light’ by Mohammad Al Faraj, a playful photographic project, where light captures joy.
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