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The Heart
Ithra Curiosities

The Heart

The Heart

An art piece from the Ithra Art Collection.

By Rym Tina Al-Ghazal
February 14th, 2021
The heart, once found, is its own guide
Abu Al-‘Atahiyya (747-828) Poet

In this powerful piece (water-based pigments on paper), part of the Ithra art collection, the artist Hassan Massoudy (born Iraq, 1944, lives and works in Paris), isolates the word al-qalb (the heart), and brings it to life on paper. Similarly like the poet quoted —known for being one of the first poets to write in Arabic and abandon the old forms, meters and subjects of classical desert

poetry in favor of everyday urban life — Massoudy also leaves behind the rigid rules of classical calligraphy to create his own signature style that combines traditional and modern elements. What makes this piece even more interesting is the choice of a bold and unconventional dark color to represent the heart, perhaps reflecting how a heart can be darkened with dark feelings.

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