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The Cake of Life
From the Archives

The Cake of Life

The Cake of Life

July, 1954. Unamed figures are cutting the graduation cake during a buffet supper given by the Girl Scout Council in Dhahran. Courtesy of The Aramco Archives. 

By Rym Al-Ghazal
August 13th, 2023
‘What is your favorite dish?”

We all have nostalgic relationships with certain dishes and drinks. The scent, the texture, the taste, and the memories. 

Often made with love by our parents, grandparents, or that favorite aunt;  whether devoured inside our homes, or favorite restaurants or cafes, certain dishes just leave a mark on us. 

Anyone with a connection to Aramco will tell you there is one item that they all grew up on and holds a special place in their heart- the famous Aramco cake. 

Every single birthday, personal or official event, had the dependable sugary presence of the delicious Aramco cake. From chocolate to Vanilla to strawberry, it had different flavors, but it was essentially baked the same way using ‘American Flour’.

Editorial Note: Read our next article in this very issue about how you can get or make this nostalgic cake today

As you can see from these photos shared here by the Aramco Archives, there is a particularly unique kind of joy when sharing meals at the dining halls around Aramco facilities. Back then, and still today, they are places of conversation and connections, with both the food and the people we share the time and tables with. 

June, 1960. Outdoor restaurant in Jiddah. Courtesy of The Aramco Archives.  
1987. Employees eating at Dhahran Dining Hall. Courtesy of The Aramco Archives.  
1955. Youngsters look forward to Friday night buffets, where they can go back for seconds. Young Billy McWood helps himself to a second serving. Dhahran. Courtesy of The Aramco Archives.  
January, 1953. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Babb sip Turkish coffee in Mansur Restaurant in Badanah. Courtesy of The Aramco Archives.  
Outdoor restaurant in Jiddah, June 1960. Courtesy of The Aramco Archives. 
1955. American breakfast, beans and eggs over easy. Courtesy of The Aramco Archives.  
Undated. A special set up for dining. Courtesy of the Aramco Archives,  
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